Quick and Easy Ways to Prepare for Chinese New Year
The time has come for the Chinese New Year and you should have started preparing your supply chain plan, one year ago. But it’s ok if you didn’t! You can still survive this! 2019 is the Year of the Pig, which is associated with happiness, honesty and bravery. So, don’t you worry because we will combine our honesty with your bravery to help you overcome the obstacles and start fresh, happy and successful in the Year of the Pig. Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, 5th of February, but remember that all operations in China will be closed from 5th to 19th of February. As you can imagine, a huge market such as China will stop operating for 15 whole days paralysing the globe. Workers in China travel to spend these days with their families with the risk of not coming back at all. Hence, you have to be prepared for a period of 5-8 weeks where nothing is working properly. First things first, you have to find an experienced freight forwarder that you can trust him with your shipments. Choosing a...